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Написать отзыв о компании Alpha Technologies Inc в ЕвпаторииAlpha Technologies USA Inc. is an American company founded in 1997 in New York City. The company is a leading provider of IT solutions and consulting services to a diverse and global clientele. Specializing in Application support, Software Development, Staff Augmentation, system integration, infrastructure maintenance, datacenter maintenance and relocation services, GAP analysis and corporate governance, and infrastructure services Alpha has earned a respected reputation on the market. Our knowledgeable staff has impressive credentials and experience in delivering superior turnkey technology solutions. In 2014 Alpha opened its office in Wroclaw, Poland and is currently entering a strategic partnerships in the Silesian Region. Alpha Technologies Sp. z o. o. will be specializing in Microsoft and Java technologies, bringing the highest quality of infrastructure services, providing video conferences solutions, and outsourcing the best IT Specialists. Alpha grows in Poland building agile teams and producing high-quality software. г. Евпатория, КрымПохожие компании в Евпатории
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Ближайшие города от Евпатории Алупка Армянск Балаклава Бахчисарай Белогорск Береговое Восход Гаспра Гвардейское Джанкой Заозерное Зуя Кацивели Кореиз Красногвардейское Красноперекопск Куйбышево Курпаты Ливадия Массандра Мирное Мисхор Многоречье Николаевка Олива Орлиное Отрадное Парковое Первомайское Перевальное Песчаное Понизовка Поповка Путиловка Саки Санаторное Севастополь Симеиз Симферополь Скадовск Соколиное Форос Черноморское Штормовое Ялта |